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Improving Electronics At Home

When it comes to making your life a little easier, few things are as beneficial as the right electronics. When we started going through and upgrading our home, we realized that we wanted to install a brand new home automation system. We worked and worked on finding the right supplies and gadgets, and after reading a few online how-to guides, we finally pinned down some devices that we knew we would love. This blog is all about improving electronics at home and learning how to use them the right way. Check out this blog for more information on how to improve your life.


Three Ways To Boost Attendance At Your School’s Sports Games

22 November 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you are a coach or administrator at a school, then you know how important attendance at sports games is. The more fans in the stands, the better the kids play. And the support shown by fans helps ensure the athletes know they are valued and talented. If attendance at your games has been a bit lacking, here are three ways you can help boost attendance. Put Up a Display Sign In Front of the School Read More …

Places In Your Home In Which An LED Mirror Is Suitable

4 October 2017
 Categories: , Blog

While LED mirrors are common in swanky hotels and upscale apparel stores, you can also buy one or more of these accessories to use in your home. If you find that you're constantly squinting into the mirrors in your home because the light in the space isn't adequate, you'll put this problem behind you when you swap a traditional mirror for an LED mirror. Built to include LED bulbs around the mirror's perimeter, this style of mirror offers unparalleled brightness to suit each member of your family. Read More …

Two Signs That Your Remote Needs A New IR Emitter

19 September 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Although you may use your remote on a rather frequent basis, it's likely that you've never given much thought to how it operates. As long as you're able to point to a device and input a demand that is executed by the appliance you're trying to operate, you might not worry about much else. The problem comes in when your remote starts giving you problems. The infrared (IR) emitter could be the problem. Read More …

Getting In On The Custom Computer And Accessory Market

27 July 2017
 Categories: , Blog

The loss of Radio Shack--both in their change to a cell phone kiosk and their actual bankruptcy--as a mainstay of hobbyists is painful, but some areas never had a custom electronics and parts center in the first place. There's a market ripe for tapping, as general use computers become more boring and the desire to become more technically skilled rises with computer gaming, 3D printing, graphic design, and many other hobbies and career paths too difficult for standard computers. Read More …

Just Moved And Your Computer No Longer Turns On? Get It Looked At By A Computer Repair Professional

28 June 2017
 Categories: , Blog

When you move, it is not unexpected for certain things to sustain some damage or even break. You may not have known the perfect packing methods for a computer, so you tried your best by surrounding it with bubble wrap and driving with extreme caution. But, you may now be in your new home and your computer is not turning on. Instead of thinking that it is broken and must be replaced, you should contact a computer repair service to have them take a look at the computer to identify the situation. Read More …